The Hidden Truth
Lies and Deceptions That Control Our Lives
You Just Need To Look Closely
Following is information across a range of categories that people in a position of power would prefer you did not have.






Playing The Blame Game
In his article, They Will Lock You Down For Climate, Jeffrey Tucker refers to a massive scramble to “settle scores” in the US. But the US isn’t the only place that scrambling is occurring. The Blame Game is being played out elsewhere.
They Will Lock You Down For The Climate
The last two years have been a dress rehearsal. It’s a shocking thing to consider, but that might have been the point all along. We were all being acculturated into compliance. The elites who did this to us might be evil but they are not entirely stupid.
The Controlled Demolition of American Prosperity
How pathetic that daily, the Biden administration dares defend the current economic environment during a controlled demolition! It’s why these times more and more remind us all of some dystopian novel.
The Ancient Solution to Eliminate Debt – Part I
You may liken today’s economy to an over-swollen tick, obese with blood. Rather than blood, the economy is obese with debt.
Like our ludicrously engorged arachnid, the economy cannot much expand. It is impossibly loaded down… groaning under the burden… horribly swaybacked.
The Ancient Solution to Eliminate Debt – Part II
Are Central Banks The Problem?
The entire notion that central bank policy makes or breaks the economy is the original Policy Error No. 1.
That is to say, whatever policy a central bank pursues is a policy error because every policy is an attempt to manipulate the self-organizing cycle of credit, economic expansion and contraction.
What Do Sanctions Against Russia Accomplish?
Now that Nancy Pelosi has reaffirmed an “ironclad” defense of Taiwan, no doubt someone in Washington will mention sanctions against China. It’s inevitable. This article is an update and reprint a piece I wrote from June 4, 2021, on the insanity of sanctions against Russia. The same arguments apply in spades to China.
Germany Does An About Face
Germany has spent the last fifteen years doing two things: shutting down every coal-burning power plant in the country, and shutting down every nuclear reactor. They succeeded in shutting down coal. They came close to succeeding in shutting down nuclear. Now they are on the brink of the greatest energy shortage of any major industrialized economy in history.
The Fed Makes One Thing Perfectly Clear: They’re More Confused Than Ever
Investors and analysts hang on every word the Federal Reserve says. They treat the Fed as the most powerful player in global markets and like an omnipotent force that can stop inflation, stimulate growth, cure unemployment, target interest rates, and basically make or break (or is that brake?) the U.S. economy. There’s only one problem with that perspective…