Do You Trust Your Government? – Part 3
by Tim Ellis | 7 Feb 2022

Do You Trust Your Government? 

In this series, we look at events where governments, factions of governments, or individuals within government, have acted in way that has harmed its own citizens.

Part 3 – World War II

Hitler went on a rampage. Killing Jews and invading countries, he was pure evil. Or, as many people believe, he was insane. While I am not qualified to offer an opinion as to his sanity, his execution of Jews in accordance with his views on the human race has rightly been condemned for decades. It should be remembered that those views were not originated by him and were shared by many eminent scientists, politicians and academicians around the world. (see Why Politicized Science Is Dangerous)

The Truth About Hitler

The truth about Hitler, however, is not as most believe it. In the British TV comedy series, Fawlty Towers, Basil Fawlty was arguing with some German tourists and couldn’t help continually mentioning “the war.” They were becoming agitated and told him to stop talking about the war.

“Well, you started it,” Basil asserted.

“We did not,” they retorted.

“Yes, you did,” Basil said. “You invaded Poland.” And that is how most people believe that World War II started. The truth is seldom welcomed.

If anyone is seriously interested in learning some facts about World War II that do not align with popular history, there are two books that are compulsive reading: Hitler’s War, and Churchill’s War – The Struggle For Power, by David Irving. The first volume of Churchill’s War was published in 1987, the second volume in 2001. The third is yet to arrive.

The Miracle Of Dunkirk

History writes about “the miracle of Dunkirk,” which saw the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) and many more allied forces – more than 300,000 troops in all – evacuated. Claimed as a victory of sorts, despite all the supplies left behind, there are many online sources for the official history. Tellingly, one of these – Encyclopedia Britannica – says this:

“It was Adolf Hitler, however, who did most to make their escape possible. German panzer groups had reached and crossed the canal defense line close to Dunkirk as early as May 23, when the bulk of the BEF was still far distant from the port, but they were stopped by Hitler’s order on May 24 and actually pulled back to the canal line just as (German General Heinz) Guderian was expecting to drive into Dunkirk.”


Hitler Didn’t Start The Second World War. Churchill Did.

But how did the BEF get into that mess in the first place? Well, in the first place, Hitler didn’t start the second world war. Churchill did.

Paul Roberts, from the Institute for Political Economy, has reviewed Irving’s books, and the following are his comments from an article titled, “The Lies About World War II.” (Ref 1)


“Hitler did not start World War II. England and France launched World War II with a declaration of war against Germany. Hitler did not want a war with Britain and France, tried to avoid it, and then end it with a peace agreement very favorable to Britain and France. Hitler regarded the British Empire as essential to the survival of European dominance.

“He promised Churchill, in exchange for an end of hostilities, that Germany would defend the British Empire with the German military anywhere in the world that it was in jeopardy. Hitler left a large part of France and French North Africa unoccupied. He left the French fleet in French hands.

Hitler’s aim was to restore the integrity of the German nation

“Hitler’s aim was to restore the integrity of the German nation, which had been torn apart and distributed to Czechslovakia, Poland, Denmark and France by the Versailles Treaty, which had been forced on Germany after World War I by a policy of starvation. Germans in the territories turned over to Czechoslovakia and Poland were being persecuted and murdered. Hitler had no choice but to do something about it.

“He recovered German territory from France, Czechoslovakia, and Denmark without war.

“The same outcome was likely in Poland, except the British interfered. The British gave the Polish military dictatorship a ‘guarantee’ to come to Poland’s aid if Poland refused Hitler’s demands. (Even though they didn’t have the military capability to defend Poland against Germany.) Consequently, the Polish dictatorship broke off negotiations with Germany. Germany and the Soviet Union then split Poland between them.

“The guarantee compelled ‘British honor’ to declare war on Germany—but not on the Soviet Union—and the hapless French were pulled along. (Meanwhile, Poland was betrayed. Neither Britain nor France went to Poland’s aid.)

“The British relied on the ‘powerful French military’ and sent an expeditionary force which was promptly trapped at Dunkirk where Hitler let them go, thinking that an act of magnanimity and his refusal to humiliate the British would bring an end to the conflict.

“However, Churchill kept Hitler’s overly generous peace terms from the British people and from Parliament. Churchill had wanted war and had worked hard for one, and now that he had power and a chance to repeat the military leadership of his great ancestor, the Duke of Marlborough, he was determined to keep his war.

“With Hitler in control of Europe, Churchill began working harder to get the US into the war. All along the way President Roosevelt had given Churchill war encouragement, but without promising any definite course of action from America.


“Roosevelt wanted Britain at war. He knew it would bankrupt the British and place them economically in Washington’s hands. This would permit the US to break up the British system of trade preferences that allowed Britain to control world trade, destroy the British Empire, dethrone the British pound and replace it with the dollar.

“Roosevelt was an enemy of empire except America’s own. From FDR’s standpoint, World War II was an attack by the US on British trade preferences that were the backbone of the British Empire.

“So Churchill got his war which cost Britain her empire, and Roosevelt replaced the British Empire with an American one. FDR paid a cheap price—about 300,000 US combat deaths. In her defeat of Germany, Russia lost about 9,000,000 soldiers in combat deaths and 26 million people altogether.

“After the Russians stopped the German offensive, the war could have ended, but FDR and Churchill had established a policy of unconditional surrender, which shackled allied wartime foreign policy to two more years of death and destruction.

“The war served Churchill’s path to power and Washington’s empire.

“Many official papers are still under lock and key and many more have been destroyed. The effort to suppress truth from coming out continues 75 years after the war.”


By the end of the war, Britain had lost 384,000 soldiers killed in combat, and 70,000 civilians. Plus an untold number of mentally and physically maimed. (The civilian deaths were a result of bombing raids aimed specifically at civilians. This was in response to Britain’s aerial bombings in Germany.)

Should UK citizens trust their government?

Next: Gallipoli

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